
We are hiring for on-farm employee

Part time goat milker/herdsperson needed. Starting mid-January 2020, looking for an individual to live on the farm and milk and help care for our herd of 150 milking goats. Full time work can be attained if needed, by adding some hours in cheesehouse.

We are Hiring!

Job descriptions...

Ch..Ch..Ch...Cheese Changes! Late Winter 2019

Fresh chèvre was the very first cheese that we made at Blue Ledge Farm. As a new operation short on aging space and cash, fresh chèvre got the ball rolling. For the past fifteen years our fresh chèvre…

December Producer of the Month @ Hunger Mtn Coop

Hunger Mtn Coop blog post re: BLF

Early Winter Blog

The Barn poem by Greg Bernhardt

We are Hiring!

Blue Ledge Farm is looking for a part time milker and assistant cheesemaker

Something More (Poem)

Why should I expect something morethan going to similar grasses,that habitual repose on thoserocky hillsides and meadows,  the morning commute, led bythe young and eager traffic,anxious to return to constant…

Thanksgiving Recipes

We hope everyone had a very happy Thanksgiving! It is one of our favorite holidays. For one, late fall is the easiest time to travel. The goats are coasting through to the end of their ten month lactations,…